What is Marble?
Marble The rock forming the earths crust falls into three generic groups: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Heat, pressure, and chemical reactions may change either igneous or sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock, meaning changed in form usually into more compact and crystalline condition, and even metamorphic rocks may be further altered to higher ranks of metamorphism. Rocks may become plastic under great pressure and high temperature and by earth movement. They may be folded into complex forms with a banded structure. Many Constituent minerals may be dissolved, transported, and reprecipitated by thermal waters. Heat and pressure may cause recrystallization. Marble is, therefore, metamorphic rock resulting from the recrystallization of limestone. Commercially, however: all calcareous rocks produced by nature and capable of taking a polished are called marble, as are some dolomitic and serpentine rocks.
Marble is a metamorphic rock. Metamorphic means that heat and pressure deep in the earth has changed one type of rock (limestone) into a new, stronger stone called marble. Marble is available in many different colors and patterns. It is beautiful and versatile. Some marble, particularly the green and white marbles can even be used as kitchen counter tops as they are extremely hard, and less porous than other marbles making them less likely to stain.
More resources: Granite Jacuzzis gallery. Custom fabricated granite countertops and marble vanity tops. Wide range of designs, edges, granite colors. work examples from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut. Granite NJ Understanding a little about the nature of marbles and granites will help you to appreciate the importance of a specialised cleaning and maintenance program. Dimensional natural stone is quarried from massive deposits or formations, many millions of years old. Granites Any architect or user had ever thought about this colour variation, in granites of different area as well as many colours in a singular plutonic body of granitic intrusion. This all depends on mineral constitution of the particular type of granite.