What is meant by CMYK and RGB?
CMYK stands for CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK (the ‘K’ stands for black as opposed to ‘B’ which is blue), which are the 4 colours that are used in full colour, offset printing. CMYK is also known as ‘process colour’. If you look closely enough, all printed material is made up of tiny dots of cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Some vibrant and luminous colours cannot be printed using CMYK – in particular bright blues, purples and lime greens. Any full colour images that you have in your CD layout MUST be saved as CMYK. RGB stands for RED, GREEN, BLUE, the way in which colour is displayed on computer monitors and television screens. RGB images tend to be more vibrant that CMYK images, BUT you cannot print images in RGB! Most image manipulation programs like Photoshop however will default to RGB and all images on the Internet are in RGB.