What is narrative and persuasive writing…?
Yes, you’re correct. Narrative writing is when you’re telling a story, or rather, a narrative. Persuasive writing is of course, a piece of text which tries to make the reader have the same view or opinion as the writer (that is, you). Normally, you’d write a narrative in third person, that is, you’re not actually IN the story, but telling it as someone who isn’t. So you wouldn’t refer to yourself, you’d use he, she, they, etc. Or you could write it from your perspective if you like, (in first person), but you can’t include what peoples’ thoughts were because you wouldn’t even know. You’d be a person that is part of the story, eg. the main character, a not-so-major character or passer-by, witness, etc. Narratives do not have to stick to facts – so feel free to play around with the truth. In persuasive writing, you usually write in first person, because you are trying to make the audience agree with your point of view. You can use evidence or information to help you back up your perspect