What is required to become a Mystery Customer?
Mystery customers are selected from a broad sector of the public, who have a desire to earn extra cash for posing as mystery customers. No formal qualifications are necessary however a background in customer service, hospitality or research is an advantage. At Mystery Customer Pty Ltd we select customers who are detail oriented, thorough, observant and objective. Our mystery customer is required to have a reliable car or access to a reliable car and a telephone. Mystery Customer Pty Ltd is a web-based business and we use our website and e-mails as the primary means for communicating with our mystery customers. Assignments are emailed to our customers and reports must be completed online. Therefore our customers are required to have a personal e-mail address and access to the Internet. All customers must be able to clearly follow instructions, remember what is said to them when shopping and have an excellent memory to be able to recall details about their experience.
Mystery customers are selected from a broad sector of the public, who have a desire to earn extra cash for posing as mystery customers. No formal qualifications are necessary however a background in customer service, hospitality or research is an advantage. At Mystery Customer Pty Ltd we select customers who are detail oriented, thorough, observant and objective. Our mystery customer is required to have a reliable car or access to a reliable car and a telephone. Mystery Customer Pty Ltd is a web-based business and we use our website and e-mails as the primary means for communicating with our mystery customers. Assignments are emailed to our customers and reports must be completed online. Therefore our customers are required to have a personal e-mail address and access to the Internet. All customers must be able to clearly follow instructions, remember what is said to them when shopping and have an excellent memory to be able to recall details about their experience. Our customers need