What is Scalp Acupuncture Therapy (S. A. T.)?
Scalp acupuncture therapy, also known as head point acupuncture treatment, is a division of general acupuncture therapy which has been proven effective and has good results in treating vertigo, migraine, paralysis, serious injury, palsy, Parkinsons disease, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and other menstrual disorders. In general, the more symptoms of an illness which are presented, the more effective S.A.T. will be. During normal acupuncture treatment, patients may experience a variety of sensations including warmth, tenderness, numbness, tingling, or fullness. This is normal response to acupuncture known as the gaining of Qi and indicates the effectiveness of the therapy. In the care of a skilled acupuncturist, the patient should feel no unpleasant side effects which interfere with normal activity. Deep breathing, an important adjunct of modern QiGong and therapeutic exercise , is also employed with S.A.T.