What is “Send/Receive detailed aircraft information” in FS2002?
This feature allows your FS2002 game to send and/or receive more information about the other planes in the game. I haven’t seen a full list of exactly what’s included, but it seems to be mainly the gear position and some of the aircraft lights. It does not, however, include things such as smoke trails, turning propellers, and open doors, which are not supported by FS2002 in multiplayer mode. However, there’s a bug with this feature. If you enable “Send detailed aircraft information” in your game, then it will send the information to all of the other players, regardless of whether or not they’ve enabled the Receive feature. The data sent is about 112 bytes per second, so that’s about 2-3% of a 56K modem connection, for each player that’s sending the data. If you have 5 players in the game, about 10-15% of your connection is just for this feature. The only way to truly stop this information from being sent is for all players to turn off the Send feature.