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What is Social Skill Builder social skills training software?

10 Posted

What is Social Skill Builder social skills training software?


Unlike their peers, children with ASDs do not acquire basic social skills, such as sharing enjoyment and maintaining eye contact, through general experience and observation. This social inadequacy often results in anxiety, depression, social avoidance, academic difficulties, and problematic peer interactions. Social skills training uses problem-solving techniques to actively teach children the skills they need to be successful and cope with challenging situations in the social environment. Research has demonstrated that social skills training is one of the most effective treatments for children with ASDs and helps them to succeed in their personal and academic lives.


A5: Social Skill Builder has created a series of learning tools which use real life video in computer assisted programs to teach social skills. The user is able to watch the video scenarios unfold and then make choices about what should be said or done next in a safe and controlled environment. These interactive features allow the child or adolescent to step inside familiar social situations to problem solve or predict outcomes. Motivating reinforcements and games make learning the social skills fun and entertaining. This unique training software provides a reference for language, behaviors and interactions that children can carry into the natural environment.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.