What is the AGL pass-through charge on my statement?
This is a regulated charge that Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) bills each gas marketer, including SCANA Energy. Each month AGL bills us a base charge for all SCANA Energy customers of record as of the 20th of the month. We, in turn, “pass through” this charge to our customers. The AGL Pass-through Charge is based on several factors including: • AGL Customer Charge: A fixed monthly fee from AGL for gas connection to your home or business. • Ancillary Service: A charge for AGL to read your meter. • Dedicated Design Day Capacity (DDDC): A charge that covers costs for AGL to deliver gas to your home or business based on your demand on the system on the coldest day of the year. • Peaking Service: A charge that covers the fixed cost for AGL to operate company-owned above ground storage facilities for liquefied natural gas and propane operations. This service does not apply to all customers. • Social Responsibility Fee: A fee that covers the cost for AGL to provide a low-income senior citizen’s disc