What is the average percent of Mount Union students accepted to Health Professions Schools?
This is perhaps the most frequently asked question, and certainly the one with the most answers. Remember you can drown in a stream that averages two feet in depth. At Mount Union over the last 10-15 years or more, 80+ % of our graduating seniors who apply to health professional schools are accepted in the year of their graduation. This percentage is the same for medical schools specifically. Of course, this is not the same as the acceptance percentage of the freshmen who came to Mount Union as “pre-meds” four years earlier. We believe we have our excellent record because of our rigorous program, our conscientious advising and our reputation among the various health professions schools. Having said this, however, it is also the case that you will not get into any health professional school because you attend Mount Union (or any other school for that matter). You will get in or not depending on how you interact with our curriculum, the opportunities we offer and the admissions profile y