What is the battery life of the Amazon Kindle while playing Audible audio book content?
http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/technology_news/4232344.html Battery: 30 hours, charges in 2 hours So the question is whether the Kindle’s additonal features justify it being more expensive than the Sony Portable Reader and the essentially unknown eBookwise-1150. The Kindle’s battery life, which is supposedly twice that of the 1150, and probably more than the Sony Reader (which, suspiciously, only lists page-turns, not an hourly runtime). It’s actually much shorter http://www.blogkindle.com/tag/battery-life/ Does Amazon have a problem with the Kindle replacement battery? There seems to be a mixed bag when it comes to the Kindle battery, while some people get awesome battery life it seems like others get a raw deal with the battery. Amazon Kindle battery Amazon Kindle battery customer reviews As you can see, the Ki
On average, the operating time varies from 3.5 to 5 hours(depending on the volume, brightness, air temperature(it has long been no secret that in the cold, the operating time of any battery is reduced)). I haven’t listened to audiobooks for a long time, because I like to read more on my own. It’s a pity that you can’t always find exactly what you need in a bookstore. However, you can find anything in e-books, right? This is a real find for the book lover. If you choose a device for yourself, first read the https://pickmyreader.com/kindle-vs-kindle-paperwhite-compare-to-pick-your-right-kindle/ to find out everything you need before purchasing