What is the CAE/IAE role in managing Information Assurance Scholarship Program student participants?
Officials of successful CAE/IAEs will have a mutual, coordinating role with DoD officials in managing the program participation of students. Successful CAE/IAEs will be responsible for monitoring and mentoring the academic progress of participating students, for administering the payment of scholarship funds to students, and for accounting for funds allocated. DoD will be responsible for appointing successful scholarship applicants as Student Trainees; for arranging for and mentoring their experiential learning through intern assignments; for the travel and payment of salary for student participants; for appraising the performance and progress of students as interns; and for arranging for the permanent position assignments of successful students who elect to complete their service obligations through civilian employment. Both CAE/IAE and DoD officials will have important roles in communicating with one another regarding the academic and experiential progress of participating students.