What is the definition of ecosystem sustainability? What steps are required to insure ecosystem sustainability in the future?
• Identify the issues & resources of concern, including their location. Define the time & space scales for analysis. Identify the magnitude of risk to resources, adjust the scope of the analysis according to the likely cost to resource values of a wrong answer and select the appropriate level of effort for the analysis. Identify key cause-and-effect mechanisms. Estimate the range of natural variability and relative condition(s) for the resource(s) of concern. Identify past, present, and expected future activities in the area of concern & evaluate the relative impact of past, present & future activities. Evaluate the validity & sensitivity of the predicted cumulative effects. Identify key data daps & monitoring needs. Identify possibilities for modification, mitigation, planning & restoration. • I strongly support a scientifically based forest resource assessment in order to provide objective and credible information that forest owners, industry, and state governments can then use to ad