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What is the difference between a budding gallbladder and gallbladder stones?


What is the difference between a budding gallbladder and gallbladder stones?


R: I’m not familiar with the term “budding gallbladder”. It may be some sort of radiologic term or a way to describe an enlarged gallbladder. Gallbladder stones can cause gallbladder disease, in particular cholecystitis. Acute cholecystitis can present with right upper abdominal pain and pain after eating. Fevers, nausea, and vomiting are common symptoms. Gallbladder pain from stones is caused by the blockage of bile in the gallbladder duct. Q: I have a stabbing pain on the right side under my ribs just below my breast. I’m 21 and female. I have had kidney stones and a cyst on my ovary. I also have acid reflux. R: If your pain is severe then you really should seek out a medical professional as soon as possible. Pain in the right upper quadrant can be from a number of conditions. The liver and gallbladder are on the side along with your stomach. Pain after eating can be associated with stomach or gallbladder problems. Having acid reflux may put you at increased risk of having a stomach

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.