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What is the difference between courses run at computer clubs for seniors and TAFE or community/ evening colleges?


What is the difference between courses run at computer clubs for seniors and TAFE or community/ evening colleges?


Computer clubs for seniors recognise that people in retirement are often just as keen to meet people with similar interests as they are to increase their computer skills. Of course there are a proportion of seniors who just want to learn a skill and move on, but many others like the social focus and stay on to do a variety of courses, to volunteer their assistance as trainers or computer buddies once they’ve gained a few skills or to help out in other ways.The courses also reflect the interests of seniors, rather than gaining skills for the workplace.On the other hand, TAFE courses generally focus on work skills, and are accredited courses, requiring formal assessment so that certificates may be awarded and competencies attained for recognition by employees or college administrations for entry into more advanced courses. Courses for seniors at TAFE whilst they can certainly be recommended, do not have the same social outcomes, and the fees reflect that fact that trainers are paid.


Computer clubs for seniors recognise that people in retirement are often just as keen to meet people with similar interests as they are to increase their computer skills. Of course there are a proportion of seniors who just want to learn a skill and move on, but many others like the social focus and stay on to do a variety of courses, to volunteer their assistance as trainers or computer buddies once they’ve gained a few skills or to help out in other ways. The courses also reflect the interests of seniors, rather than gaining skills for the workplace. On the other hand, TAFE courses generally focus on work skills, and are accredited courses, requiring formal assessment so that certificates may be awarded and competencies attained for recognition by employees or college administrations for entry into more advanced courses. Courses for seniors at TAFE whilst they can certainly be recommended, do not have the same social outcomes, and the fees reflect that fact that trainers are paid. Co

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