What is the difference between the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities and the King County Developmental Disabilities Division?
The DSHS/DDD is responsible for determining eligibility and authorizing paid services. The DSHS/DDD currently provides the following services and programs: case management, Medicaid Personal Care, residential services, residential habilitation centers, family support, dental, mental health, Voluntary Placement Foster Care program, and the Medically Intensive program. The DSHS/DDD administers services on a regional basis. Region 2 is the DSHS/DDD office that serves King County. The King County Developmental Disabilities Division (KCDDD) is responsible for providing employment and day program services. The KCDDD currently provides the following services: Early Intervention/birth-to-three, employment, community access, housing, in-home family counseling, social and recreational activities, information and assistance, advocacy, homelessness projects, and program development/technical assistance.