What is the difference between white box and black box security testing?
In the above, there was a mention of black box testing. Within the security community, there are two approaches to penetration and vulnerability testing: “black box” and “white box”. Black box implies that when doing the penetration testing there is no previous knowledge of the environment to be tested other than the name of the company. White box implies significant background knowledge of the environment including the type of network, SharePoint version , application server platform , database platform, load balancers, firewalls, and other MS server systems that are involved. What is the standard process that is used during SharePoint and WSS Security research? 1) Plan The Security Research and Scope We mostly use black box approaches, however firstly it is best to determine if it’s a black box or white box approach, realizing that the black box approach is just a matter of minutes away from the white box approach. This helps to validate the security methodologies that we are recomme