What is the Fairfax County Noise Ordinance?
Landsdowne Guidelines are in compliance with all Fairfax County laws concerning noise. After reviewing the County information below, if you wish to issue a noise complaint, please contact the Fairffax County Police Non-Emergency Number at 703-691.2131. You need to make the complaint yourself. The Landsdowne Board cannot make the complaint for you. You can request to remain anonymous. Please also notify the Landsdowne Neighborhood Watch Committee of the issue to be added to the Landsdowne information base. Thank you. Fairfax County residents and businesses are reminded that they must comply with the county’s noise ordinance and are encouraged to report any violations that directly affect them. The ordinance promotes an environment for county citizens that is free from noise that jeopardizes their health or welfare or degrades the quality of life. Specific Provisions Under the ordinance, the following acts are violations during the hours noted: 1. Operating loud speakers and amplificatio