What is the fastest way to acquire Burning Blossoms for the World of Warcraft Fire Festival?”
Burning Blossoms are the currency used for the Fire Festival and are used to purchase seasonal reward items from Midsummer Suppliers and Merchants. You can collect Burning Blossoms by completing quests, including the daily quests that are part of the festival. Using them near a Fire Festival Bonfire also grants a temporary but useful buff to your character, or reignites an extinguished bonfire – but consumes the blossom in the process.
Well, that’s weird. I posted about a week ago, but I think the post must’ve retained the date from when it started as a draft a month ago. Huhn. Well, if you haven’t seen it yet, enjoy this lost post! Time for some audience participation! (I know you’re there! You’re making the line on the WordPress stats graph jump around! I appreciate the comments I’ve already gotten!) I will be leaving for Tokyo in about 2 weeks. Any thoughts on incense or other scented delights I should check out while I’m there? Kyukyodo and Baieido are already in my sights. Also keep in mind that I’m working with a limited, grad-student-hit-by-the-recession budget. (I’ll also be using some money to acquire research materials while I’m there, hopefully to be reimbursed by my grant.) I hope to return with bubbly reports related to incense.
Hi there! I’m not quite sure of this cause it’s actually the first time I’m hearing about it haha. I’m not quite such a big wow player, to be honest. I mean, I’ve had my phase and it’s a terrific game, one of the bests like everyone says, but it was just too much in that time for me cause it’s addictive and I had just started work so I had to give up gaming altogether. I remember that I wanted to have all the stuff my friends that were playing for years had so I bought some wow add-ons and it went just well. So not sure what kinds of add-ons there are now, but maybe you’d wanna look into that.