What is the Learning Center?
To access learning, simply find the skill that you want to improve from the Test Center, and click the Learn link. [Note: Learning options may/may not be available to you based on your organization’s account setup. You can check out the Learning Center to see what options are available to you through your Account. We can also integrate learning resources that are available to you through your company. If you don’t have access to learning and would like to, please contact your account administrator.] We are continually searching for leading resources to integrate in our site and plan on offering more options in the months to come. Please note that the information accessed from these sites is maintained by the partnership company. If you require additional information regarding their site you would need to contact their company directly.
The Learning Center is an alternate means of earning high school credit. Students may take classes to supplement the work they are doing on their home campus. Students who are not attending school may take courses to complete diploma requirements. The Learning Center is an open entry/open exit program. The program strives to motivate students to succeed and encourages them to complete high school graduation requirements. Students who decide to work for credit through the Learning Center may enroll at any time. The work for each course is given to the student on the A+ LS Online Curriculum. Much of the work can be completed independently at home if the student has access to the internet, although some assignments and all tests are taken at the Learning Center. Students are welcome to come to the Learning Center for assistance or to work on their course(s).