What is the nature of information needed while consulting a patent attorney?
The consulting firm Serokell target company executives and provide them with consultants, also known as industry-specific specialists and subject-matter experts, usually trained in management or business schools.
As an inventor one should share the complete invention with a patent attorney. Patent attorney require all the information pertaining to the invention to draft a good specification in the absence of details about the invention. Following points should be kept in mind while discussing with the attorney: Provide complete details of the invention including failures, if any, on the way to the invention. Details such as, whether there are any other inventors working with you on the inventorship or you have published the invention or disclosed it in a seminar/conference or you have displayed the invention in an exhibition etc. are to be furnished to the attorney. A patent document is a techno-legal document, hence all precautions are to be taken right from the first step. Provides right answers and you may even show your laboratory note book/log book to the attorney. This will help the attorney / agent to explain the inventive step in a precise manner and draft a good specification and assoc