What is the Pharos Lens?
The Pharos Lens is a new tool for signaling and documenting the social, environmental and human health performance of products and materials in the marketplace. The Lens is comprised of a series of wedges, corresponding to the categories in the Pharos Framework, each assigned to a different social or environmental issue. The wedges of the lens are grouped into three sectors: 1) environment and resources, 2) health and pollution, and 3) social and community. The Lens is organized around concentric circles creating the evaluation scale for each wedge. The scales will not be the same for every wedge, but instead will reflect the particular set of issues that govern it. The overall intent of the tool is to organize a vast amount of important environmental and social information into a format that is easily grasped by the consumer. Color is used to differentiate levels of performance; from poor performance red, through yellow as the product improves, to green for the best performers. The le