What is the Pilates Method?
The Pilates Method of physical and mental conditioning incorporates the postures and breath work of yoga, the focused concentration of Zen meditation and the calisthenics of ancient Greek and Roman exercise regimens. Sit-Up ComboJoseph Pilates considered the area of the torso between the lower ribs and the hips the “Powerhouse” or center of the body. This corset of muscles forms the foundation for all Pilates movements. A strong Powerhouse aligns and stabilizes the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae, giving the practitioner a significant increase in strength and control over all movements. This in turn improves performance, posture, poise, grace and balance. The importance of coordinating proper breathing with movement cannot be overstated. It is 50% of the Pilates method. When you breathe properly, filling and emptying the lungs completely, you have more stamina, feel more alive and alert, and are better able to concentrate.