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What is the procedure for emergency visits?

emergency procedure visits

What is the procedure for emergency visits?


A contracted vision provider shall provide services for urgent or unexpected conditions that occur after-hours. Occasionally, a member loses or breaks their eyewear or contact lenses when Participating Vision Providers in the area are not reasonably accessible or when the Member is traveling outside of the Vision Plan’s Service Area. In the event you require such Emergency Vision Care, you may seek the services of any vision provider. Typically, you must file a claim form within 60 calendar days from the date expenses are incurred to receive reimbursement for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred in an emergency. The member will be responsible for any applicable copayments and any amounts in excess of the maximum emergency services allowances of the plan. Please see your Evidence of Coverage booklet or Certificate of Insurance for specific plan details.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.