What is the recipe for Kona Grill’s Macadamia Nut Chicken Shoyu Cream sauce?
I moved and now I don’t live near a Kona Grill, but I love the Macadamia Nut Chicken Dish with Shoyu Cream Sauce. I have a fairly good idea on how to make the chicken but I need a recipe for the shoyu (type of soy sauce) cream sauce. I am hoping someone has the recipe to this heavenly sauce! Best answer: Answer by Mac S http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/good_day/recipes/kona-grill-macadamia-nut-chicken-recipe-010409 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070910134501AAIfGgR Should be up there somewhere! Give your answer to this question below!