What is the relationship between the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary?
The Auxiliary is a part of the Legion family of service affiliates which also includes the Sons of the American Legion. Local Units are usually but not always affiliated with an American Legion Post and support Legion- sponsored activities through volunteer and fundraising activities. Most programs complement Legion programs; however the Auxiliary has expanded and initiated others to meet the special needs of women and their families.
The Legion family includes The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion. Local Auxiliary Units are usually, but not always, affiliated with an American Legion Post through volunteer service and fundraising activities. Most programs complement The American Legion programs. The Auxiliary has expanded some of its programs and initiated others to meet the special needs of women and their families. What is the difference between the Auxiliary and other veteran’s organizations? The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest women’s patriotic service organization in the world. Affiliate with The American Legion, the Auxiliary is a woman’s veterans’ service organization with volunteer representation in all 171 VA Medical Centers. Nearly 1 million Auxiliary members in nearly 10,000 American communities provide a rich and varied resource pool of ability, talent and leadership. Who can join the Auxiliary? Membership is open to female veterans and to the wives,
The Auxiliary is a part of the Legion family of service affiliates which also includes the Sons of the American Legion and the 8 & 40. Local Auxiliary Units are usually but not always affiliated with an American Legion Post and support Legion-sponsored activities through volunteer service and fundraising activities. The Auxiliary has expanded some of its programs and initiated others to meet the special needs of women and their families, but most programs augment or complement Legion programs.
The Legion family includes The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion. Local Auxiliary Units are usually, but not always, affiliated with an American Legion Post through volunteer service and fund raising activities. Most programs complement The American Legion programs. The Auxiliary has expanded some of its programs and initiated others to meet the special needs of women and their families.