What is the severance tax rate for natural gas?
Louisiana Revised Statute 47:633(9) provides that the tax rate for natural gas and equivalent gas volumes of natural gasoline, casinghead gasoline, and other natural gas liquids including ethane, methane, butane or propane is per 1,000 cubic feet at a base pressure of 15.025 pounds per square inch absolute and at 60 degrees Fahrenheit is adjusted annually on July 1 and may never be less than 7 cents. The tax rates for the current years are as follows: Full-Rate Per MCF 7/04 through 6/05 $.208 7/05 through 6/06 $.252 7/06 through 6/07 $.373 7/07 through 6/08 $.269 7/08 through 6/09 $.288 7/09 through 6/10 $.331 Incapable oil well gas $.03 Incapable gas well gas $.
Louisiana Revised Statute 47:633(9) provides that the tax rate for natural gas and equivalent gas volumes of natural gasoline, casinghead gasoline, and other natural gas liquids including ethane, methane, butane or propane is per 1,000 cubic feet at a base pressure of 15.025 pounds per square inch absolute and at 60 degrees Fahrenheit is adjusted annually on July 1 and may never be less than 7 cents. The tax rates since January 1974 are as follows: Full-Rate Per MCF 01/74 to 7/90 $.07 7/90 through 6/91 $.10 7/91 through 6/92 $.09 7/92 through 6/93 $.07 7/93 through 6/94 $.075 7/94 through 6/95 $.087 7/95 through 6/96 $.07 7/96 through 6/97 $.077 7/97 through 6/98 $.101 7/98 through 6/99 $.093 7/99 through 6/00 $.078 7/00 through 6/01 $.097 7/01 through 6/02 $.199 7/02 through 6/03 $.122 7/03 through 6/04 $.171 7/04 through 6/05 $.208 7/05 through 6/06 $.252 7/06 through 6/07 $.373 7/07 through 06/08 $.269 Produced water rates 80 percent of the full rate Incapable oil well gas $.03 Inca