What is the status of the Catholic Church in China today?
CARDINAL KUNG: China has made great strides in economic progress. People have much greater freedom in their choice of work and even in starting small private businesses. However, contrary to the economic movement, there has been no improvement in religious freedom. One can practice the religion which is established and controlled by the Communist government, but one cannot worship according to one’s conscience and faith. The Roman Catholic Church is regarded as illegal by the Chinese Communist government. Even as I am speaking to you now, many bishops, clergy and Catholic faithful continue to be persecuted. Many are in jails or under house arrest and are harassed by constant investigations by public security police and confiscation of personal properties. In spite of the continuous persecution for over forty years, the underground Roman Catholic Church is very strong. A majority of the Catholic chose not to belong to the Communist sanctioned Patriotic Church, not to attend Mass, and no