What is the taste, solubility, and suggested dose of Caffeine Powder Extract?
Caffeine Powder Extract is a very bitter white crystalline powder. Caffeine powder is almost completely insoluble in cold water. It will dissolve slightly better in room temperature water and it dissolves quickly in boiling hot water. Optimal doses for caffeine anhydrous powder vary from individual to individual, depending upon a variety of factors including time of day, usual caffeine intake, whether the individual is rested or fatigued, and whether they smoke. Caffeine anhydrous doses administered experimentally for the evaluation of effects on both physical and cognitive performance have ranged from as little as 32 milligrams caffeine anhydrous to as much as 1,400 mg. Research has consistently shown, however, that optimal dosing for increased endurance and cognitive performance range between 200 to 600 milligrams. Please review the green graphic entitled “Volumetric Equivalents.” You can see the full bulk density/volumetric conversion chart for Caffeine here. The table of this graph