What is the typical diet of Indian tigers in zoos and the wild?
Indian tigers are fed more often or course with cubs. It is fundamental for zoo’s to run P.t.tigris adoption programs to help with food costs which can be costly. This poses a big problem in some Asian zoos. This web site encourages you to visit and adopt P.t.tigris in zoos. See if you can help us to help them. A typical diet of P.t.tigris in the wild is chital (spotted deer), baby rhinos, sambar, occasionally crocodile, giant pythons, cattle, langurs,leopards,wild boar, most ungulates, gaur, munjjak.Ullas Karanth at Nagarahole estimates a male tiger needs 3600 kg, but the female needs 3000kg of living meat to sustain them for a year. Tigers are fed twice week in zoos this mimics their hunting success in the wild and also their feeding habits, they tend to consume large quantities of meat in one sitting, store it if possible and return to it again when hungry. A P.t.tigris at most zoos would eat something equivalent to: 1.Half of the front or back leg of horses 2.Also pelvis, rib joint