What is the WHI Extension Study?
The National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has funded a WHI Extension Study to follow all WHI participants through 2010. This study will allow us to collect longer-term data about the effects of stopping hormones (or making other health changes) on womens health. If you are a Hormone or Dietary Program participant, you will be given more information about this next study at your last close-out visit, when you will have an opportunity to sign up. If you are an Observational Study participant, you will be given more information and invited to sign up through the mail. We are inviting all WHI participants, including women in the Hormone Program, to join the Extension Study, no matter which WHI program they joined or which study group they were assigned to. All participants in the WHI Extension Study will: • Fill out a medical history update form once a year and mail it back to the WHI Clinical Coordinating Center in a prepaid envelope. • Allow WHI staff to contact them if there are an