What is the Winter Harbor Theatre Company’s mission? How have you fulfilled that mission so far?
The mission is to produce quality theatre that is socially, politically and emotionally challenging. I think we’ve fulfilled that, with our first production being Tony Kushner’s at-the-time unfinished script called Only We Who Guard the Mystery Shall Be Unhappy, followed by many projects—Lanford Wilson’s Serenading Louie (where I made the mistake of starring, producing and directing and it almost killed me), a staged adaptation of James Joyce’s the dead which I produced at Christmas time (it is a Christmas story) and then a staged reading adapted from my book Fault Lines: Stories of Divorce which was spectacular. Then the Letters Series began, which to date has had three topics which have been produced – Letters to Ohio, Letters to Katrina, and Letters to Baghdad. Also, I started an acting program, which is the only one of its kind in the US teaching kids in jail Shakespeare. I’ve made a whole plan for teaching the course which is pretty phenomenal and I’d love, ideally, one day to tak