What is VitaGH (growth hormone)?
Growth hormone (GH) is a natural hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. As we age, the level of growth hormone in our body diminishes. Medical research has determined that a large part of aging is due to a growth hormone deficiency. Therefore aging is a disease which is treatable. VitaGH is 4,000 Patented HTA-5 which is a Secretagogue polypeptide precursor, (a combination of 60 amino acids in a specific stack and weight), plus the amino acids Arginine pyroglutemate, Lysine HCL, Glycine and L-Glutamine, sodium, calcium, silica, sulfur and a high macro-molecular complex-all in trace amounts. It is stabilized against breaking down due to heat or light ensuring a shelf life at room temperature of one year.