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What is Voice Buddy?

Buddy Voice

What is Voice Buddy?


Voice Buddy is the world’s first truly interactive voice recognition gaming companion. Voice Buddy offers much more than speech recognition. Through extensive programming and proprietary speech technology, Voice Buddy is trained to recognize proper commands and execute them with precision, all while providing the user with confirmation and real time relevant game data. Additionally, Voice Buddy includes the new Interactive Training feature which allows the user to receive answers to common game-specific questions in real time without having to pause and consult a help file or manual. With Voice Buddy, the user no longer requires a keyboard or to ever execute a command using an unrealistic key command, only the true voice command as if you were in the actual situation.


Voice Buddy is the world’s first truly interactive voice recognition flight simulation companion. Voice Buddy offers much more than speech recognition. Through extensive programming and proprietary speech technology, Voice Buddy is trained to recognize proper commands and execute them with precision, all while providing the pilot with confirmation and real time relevant flight data. Voice Buddy also intuitively relays information based on the pilot’s commands to ATC and back to the pilot. With Voice Buddy, the pilot no longer requires a keyboard or to ever execute a command using an unrealistic key command, only the true voice command as if you were in a real cockpit. New Voice Buddy 2.0 offers even more features including our new interactive training companion and support for VOIP applications like Roger Wilco.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.