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What is water fluoridation?


What is water fluoridation?


Community water fluoridation is simply the adjustment of the fluoride that occurs naturally in water to a level that helps prevent cavities. Approximately 70 percent of the U.S. population is served by fluoridated community water systems as of 2006.


DA’s Fluoridation Facts Short Answer Water fluoridation is the adjustment of the natural fluoride concentration of fluoride-deficient water to the level recommended for optimal dental health. ADA’s Fluoridation Facts Long Answer Based on extensive research, the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) established the optimum concentration for fluoride in the water in the United States in the range of 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million. This range effectively reduces tooth decay while minimizing the occurrence of dental fluorosis. The optimum level is dependent on the annual average of the maximum daily air temperature in the geographic area.27 One milligram per liter (mg/L) is identical to one part per million (ppm). At 1 ppm, one part of fluoride is diluted in a million parts of water. Large numbers such as a million can be difficult to visualize.


Water fluoridation is the process of adding a fluoride compound to the drinking water we receive in our homes in an attempt to reduce tooth decay (dental cavities) in children. Legal levels of fluoridation vary across the globe, but the UK has adopted an ‘optimum’ level of 1 Part Per Million (PPM) and a maximum of 1.5PPM. This is equivalent to 1 milligram of fluoride per litre of water (mg/L) and 1.5mg/L respectively. Health Authorities may ask their water providers to fluoridate artificially when natural fluoride levels fall below the 1PPM threshold. Currently, around 10% of the UK is fluoridated. One of the main objections to the practice of fluoridation is that its not a strategy based on scientific principles.


All water contains some fluoride. Fluoridation is the process of adjusting the natural level of fluoride in the water supply to the amount necessary for protection against tooth decay. For British Columbia, the most effective amount is between 0.8 and 1.0 parts per million of fluoride in the water supplies. Reliable equipment and careful monitoring ensure that these fluoride levels are maintained. Currently, over 10 million people in Canada are receiving the benefits of water fluoridation. How does fluoride work to prevent tooth decay? Fluoride works to prevent tooth decay in a number of ways. Fluoride protects teeth when they first appear or erupt from the gum and as they develop over time. Fluoride bonds with the enamel or surface of teeth, making them more resistant to bacteria and decay. It also helps to repair the earliest stages of tooth decay, visible only under the microscope. What are the benefits of water fluoridation?

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