What is wrong with feeding corn, barley, molasses, rice bran and oils, and how do I get that hair shine that I need to look good at the shows?
(A) A healthy horse will have a natural, healthy shine to them that horses fed these alternative horse feeds do not have. They will also feel better and have better endurance than horses fed on rice bran, corn, molasses and oils will have. All feeds are not designed to be fed to all critters. Corn and barley are good feed for cows, and molasses are fine when fed to a critter that has a short life expectancy, as is the case in cattle, they are not assimilated well when fed to a horse. A horse does not need sugar and sugar products. A whole oat, on the other hand, is a horse feed which holds some very beneficial qualities that need to be a part of his daily diet. Among these benefits are, keeping his teeth and gums in good repair by helping to break the hooks and comers off. The whole oat then massages the esophagus and continues to the stomach and the intestinal tract where it promotes a natural peristaltic action and adds oxygen to the blood and silica for the nervous system and the bo
A healthy horse will have a natural, healthy shine to them that horses fed these alternative horse feeds do not have. They will also feel better and have better endurance than horses fed on rice bran, corn, molasses and oils will have. All feeds are not designed to be fed to all critters. Corn and barley are good feed for cows, and molasses are fine when fed to a critter that has a short life expectancy, as is the case in cattle, they are not assimilated well when fed to a horse. A horse does not need sugar and sugar products. A whole oat, on the other hand, is a horse feed which holds some very beneficial qualities that need to be a part of his daily diet. Among these benefits are, keeping his teeth and gums in good repair by helping to break the hooks and comers off. The whole oat then massages the esophagus and continues to the stomach and the intestinal tract where it promotes a natural peristaltic action and adds oxygen to the blood and silica for the nervous system and the bony s