What kind of benefits do swimming laps and lifting light weights provide?
***Please note; you should consult a physician before starting or changing your exercise regimen to insure that you have no limitations that would restrict your participation. Besides the fact that swimming can be fun, there are many health benefits. Swimming works your whole body, improving cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, endurance, posture, and flexibility all at the same time. It’s especially helpful because of the low impact on your body compared to a comparable land based alternative like running. It also allows you to increase your cardiovascular health without overworking your heart. And finally, you get some of the benefits of working with light weights via the resistance from the water when you kick or stroke. Working with light weights, has the benefit of helping you increase and or tone your muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so as you increase your muscle mass it will help boost your metabolism to burn fat rather than store it. Strengthening cer