What Other Programs or Sessions Does the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center Offer?
We also have an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) Support Group. This program is designed to help support patients and families get used to life’s changes after ICD surgery, to help familiarize you with living with your ICD, and to answer any questions you may have. Our ICD Support Group sessions have included discussions on emergency situations, traveling & driving with an ICD, what it feels like to get a shock, sex after ICD surgery, new ICD technology, medication and its side effects, and more. These sessions are free and designed to help you with adjusting to your new lifestyle. People of all ages and health take part of this support group. We’ve found that by working together and learning through others that our patients become very comfortable and more confident about living with their new defibrillator. Long-term Relationships Some of our patients have been coming to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center for many years because of the relationships they have formed with ot