What separates the Stanley Cup from trophies in other sports?
It’s been around forever. There’s just so much history. They have guys that travel around with it year round. You never leave the cup’s side to make sure it’s treated accordingly and no one abuses it or anything like that. To have the opportunity to get your own name on there as well, it’s something every kid playing hockey in Canada dreams about. While playing for the Rampage, did you ever think you could achieve the sort of success you’ve had this year? That was obviously the goal. When you’re there playing in the American (Hockey) League, you can’t have a negative attitude. You’ve got to try to have that fire and desire to get beyond where you’re at. But in order to do that, you have to stay positive and work hard. It’s not easy sometimes, even from the standpoint of the scheduling. I don’t regret or look back unfavorably at any moment I spent in the minors. What do you miss most about San Antonio? I really enjoyed living in San Antonio. We had a good group of guys, but the city its