What Topics are Covered in an Elfin Permaculture Design?
Elfin Permaculture designs begin with a review of who the clients are and what we understand them to require from the design, as well as a brief description of the design site itself. It is hoped that this detached narrative will give the client another perspective on his/her situation and goals. The balance of the report consists of design recommendations. Topics routinely covered in Elfin Permaculture designs are: • Food and Nutrient Cycles. Food production is almost always part of the design. Permaculture designs typically specify tree crops, unconventional gardening methods, and solar greenhouses as part of the domestic food production system. Aquaculture, bees, small stock, poultry, and other foraging animals are frequently included. Soil management is treated in this section, as is disposition of human wastes, development of forage systems, food preservation, and control of potential pests. For some clients, commercial food production and/or processing is designed. • Energy. All