What type of defense mechanism does an aphid contain?
The aphid also has a defense mechanism for not being eaten. Aphids send out a chemical to the predators mouth irritating it and helping the aphid escape. This is called a “pheromone.” The pheromone is located in the abdomen of the insect. This pheromone also helps to warn other near by aphids of the danger near by. Other insects such as the ant help the aphids out. The ants help protect aphids from their enemies. The reason why the aphids do that is because ants like the honeydew, which the aphids produce. Honeydew is a favorite of the ant. Other insects, which like the honeydew, are the flies, butterflies and bees. Honeydew forms from the aphid when the aphid drinks the sap of the plant. The honeydew has a sticky type of feeling. A form of mold may be produced on the plant called “sooty mold.” These are left upon the leaves of the plant. Honeydew is considered to be the aphids “sugary liquid waste.” What type of effect does an aphid have on a plant? The effects which aphids do to the