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What types of activities are eligible for funding under JSDF?


What types of activities are eligible for funding under JSDF?


Two types of grants can be supported under the JSDF: • “Project Grants” are for activities directly providing relief measures that address demand-driven poverty reduction needs and support innovative approaches; and • “Capacity Building Grants” are for activities that strengthen service delivery at the grass roots level through learning by doing or expanding the capabilities or coverage of social fund-type institutions. They can also support measures nurturing positive interactions among local government, communities, interest groups, and non-governmental organizations in ways geared to generate substantive incremental benefits. Both types of grants must complement an on-going or future World Bank financed lending operation. If a JSDF project cannot be linked to a lending project it should be coded as RE, in which case it will have its own PO number. JSDF grants cannot be linked to ESW.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.