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What types of magnets are used in magnet therapy?

magnet magnets therapy types Used

What types of magnets are used in magnet therapy?


There are three basic types of magnets used in biomagnetics: • Flexible rubber magnets – although commonly referred to as “refrigerator magnets”, the magnets used in magnetic therapy are stronger and thicker. Their gauss ratings range from 1500 to 2650. Due to their limited magnetic strength, Therion and most other companies do not use this type of magnet. • Ceramic magnets – a compound made of strontium carbonate and ferric oxide powder. Ceramic magnets are available commercially in 2300 gauss (grade 1), 3800 gauss (grade 5) and 3950 gauss (grade 8). Therion products use high-energy ceramic magnets, rated at 4,300 gauss. • Neodymium magnets – This is the strongest type of magnet. It is a blend of the rare earth element, Neodymium, with Iron and Boron. Commercial Neodymium magnets are typically 10,800 gauss (grade 27) to 12,300 gauss (grade 35). Therion uses super-high energy neodymium magnets, rated at 13,500 gauss (Grade 42). No matter which type of material is used, only the bio-nor

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