What types of memory upgrades are there for the Atari?
This section by Andreas Magenheimer. Just a short overview here, for a more detailed description (table), see also 8.10 kinds of atari ramdisks (and 8.11 + 8.12 for programs that support or require a ramdisk). The following memory enhancements do exist: – Atari 400/800: ramdisks on memory boards, that fit into the normal Atari 800 memory slots (Axlon and Mosaic types); – Atari XL/XE: a) internal memory enhancements: – piggy-back versions, – professionel PCB versions, – SIMM-module versions; b) external memory enhancements: – via XL-Parallel-Bus, – via XE-Cart.port+ECI, – Flash-ROM cart. versions, – other Cartridge versions, – RAM-Card versions, – SIO-cartridge versions, – … Note that many of these XL/XE memory enhancements are just hobbyist or selfmade-projects. Most versions which use newer PC technologies (Flash-ROM cart., RAM-Card, SIO-cart., etc.) are still under development!