What were the obstacles that made Jews hesitant to resist?
Jewish resistance fighters had the odds against them. Unlike classical guerrillas, who lose themselves by blending in with the local population, Jews were not mobile or unrecognizable. Confined to ghettos, they were captives who were vulnerable to retaliation. Because of widespread antisemitism in Eastern Europe, the Jewish resistance could not rely on popular support. Jews did not easily blend in with the local population. Finally, it was difficult and dangerous to obtain arms. They had to be purchased and then smuggled into the ghetto pistol by pistol, rifle by rifle. Material assistance was not available either from the Allies or the underground armies in Poland. Most importantly, the Nazi doctrine of collective responsibility where hundreds or even entire communities could be killed in retaliation for an act of resistance restrained ghetto residence from actively resisting until they clearly understood that all were going to die because they feared that their actions would put thei