What will the massage feel like?
EveryBODY Massage provides additional training to our therapists to make certain you receive the utmost of your potential benefits from the massage. Depending on the specific techniques used, generally speaking your session will likely start with concentration on deeper breathing and gentler warm-up massage strokes, focusing on high stress areas – neck, shoulders, and back and may well further include the scalp and ears. This is all to help calm your nervous system and relax your exterior muscular tension. As your body becomes thus more relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased with deeper bodywork to further relax those specific tight spots or problematic muscle areas. Workplace Massage F.A.Qs contact us top The massage will finish off with an invigorating section to allow recipients to feel refreshingly relaxed and revitalised, surprisingly smiling at work for the week ahead of them!
It depends on the techniques used. Generally in a Swedish massage, your session will start with broad, flowing strokes which help calm your nervous system and relax muscle tension. As your body relaxes, pressure may gradually be increased to address specific areas of muscle tightness. Massage is most effective when your body is not resisting. If you feel discomfort, you should communicate it to the therapist immediately so that he or she can take a different approach.
It depends on the techniques used. In a general Swedish massage, your session may start with broad, flowing strokes that will help to calm your nervous system and ease exterior muscle tension. As your body becomes relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased to relax and relieve specific areas of muscular tension. You should communicate immediately if you feel any discomfort so that another approach may be taken. Massage is most effective when your body is not resisting.