Whats needed, you ask, for a typical snowshoe hare hunt in cold, snowy weather?
Don’t go unprepared. Following are the essentials for getting the maximum enjoyment from your snowshoe hare hunt: Clothing The biggest thing to remember about cold wintertime snowshoe hunting is to dress in layers, because you can modify your clothing to suit the temperatures and conditions of the day. Whether it’s 5 below zero or 35 degrees, you can add or shed light layers to suit the weather. Just make sure that you’re dressed to be warm and comfortable for the day’s weather conditions. Remember: it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, so if in doubt, bring it along. J Boots Waterproof is a must. Something rated for very cold weather. Light is better, but it’s not advisable to sacrifice weight for warmth… make sure your feet don’t get cold, because when/if they do the rest of the body is sure to follow. I prefer a Pac-type boot, with an insulating insert of some type, preferable wool. Nothing keeps your feet warm like a good pair of ‘Sorel’ type Pac b