Whats the best race for a Warlock?
Once you’ve decided that the Warlock is the class you want to play, you need to decide what race will suit you the best. Everyone is different in what they find enjoyable in game, and not surprisingly, the choice of race for a Warlock is just as varied. What race is the best? The one that you enjoy looking at every time you play. If looks are not important, then the next step is to take the racial traits that appeal the most to your play style. For PvE – pretty much any race. Humans have Diplomacy which is an incredible talent because of the numerous reputation grinds a player has at the end game. However, the Human racials provide little in-battle ability. Orc’s Blood Fury works like a “trinket” that is on a separate cooldown from other trinkets – helpful for DPS. Undead have Cannibalize, which cuts down some downtimes and helps a little during certain boss fights. The Blood Elf and Gnome racials generally aren’t that great, because the Intellect bonus isn’t very important and we alre