Whats the connection between UV light and Vitamin D production?
Sunlight exposure (exposure to UV light) is your body’s main source for Vitamin D – an essential vitamin for bone formation and repair, absorption of calcium and phosphorus and general good health. In many climates, the small amount of sunlight available from November to March makes it impossible to process Vitamin D naturally through outdoor sun exposure. That is why as much as 40% of the population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency, and more than one-third with adequate Vitamin D in their diets are still short of this important vitamin. Lack of sunlight and the resulting Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to higher risk of many health disorders, including osteoporosis and depression.
Sunlight exposure (exposure to UV light) is your body’s main source for Vitamin D – an essential vitamin for bone formation and repair, absorption of calcium and phosphorus and general good health. In many climates, the small amount of sunlight available from November to March makes it impossible to process Vitamin D naturally through outdoor sun exposure. That is why as much as 40% of the population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency, and more than one-third with adequate Vitamin D in their diets are still short of this important vitamin. Lack of sunlight and the resulting Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to higher risk of many health disorders, including osteoporosis and depression. How deep can tanning rays really go? There is an Urban Legend about a “Roasted Tanner” who supposedly roasted her internal organs by tanning too much. Don’t give it a second thought. A UVA ray (the rays in tanning beds) can only travel as deep as the dermis which is the middle skin layer. UVB can’t eve
Sunlight exposure is your body’s main source for vitamin D – an essential vitamin for bone formation and repair, absorption of calcium and phosphorus and general good health. In many climates, the small amount of sunlight available form November to March makes it impossible to process Vitamin D naturally through outdoor sun exposure. That is why as much as 40% of the population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency, and more than one-third with adequate Vitamin D in their diets are still short of this important vitamin. Lack of sunlight and the resulting Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to higher risk of many health disorders, including osteoporosis and depression.