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Whats up with I-585 in Spartanburg, SC?

SC Spartanburg

Whats up with I-585 in Spartanburg, SC?


When the I-85 bypass around Spartanburg was built, old I-85 became BUSINESS I-85. I-585 originally ended at I-85 like it should, but since new I-85 was built it has not touched I-85, although that is being addressed as that section is being converted to freeway. Another oddity on I-585 is the fact that it is signed NB for several blocks before Interstate-grade begins, in downtown Spartanburg. In other words, I-585 doesn’t extend far enough to I-85 (yet) and extends too far on the other end. See and .

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.