Whats with these tutorial sections Im seeing on my schedule?
Tutorials are additional sessions that occur for some courses. When you see tutorial sessions listed for a course you intend to take that means you will enroll in one of those sessions in addition to the lecture itself. ROSI will prompt you to do so. Tutorials often do not meet every week but you don’t need to worry about that when registering as it will be covered in class, but you obviously don’t want to schedule them in conflict with anything else regardless. Tutorials are generally led by TAs, or Teaching Assistants. In a few cases, notably Mathematics and History, they may be led by professors personally. TAs are generally graduate students but occasionally may be undergraduate students in senior years as well. Tutorials will be smaller groups and the hands-on contact is meant to help clarify any points you may feel uncertain about after your lectures and reading. Tutorials may be run in discussion format, or may be similar to smaller lectures, or may be organized some other way e
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